The dog recall is an important command for dog owners to teach their canine companion.
It is an essential skill that allows Spaniels to reliably and quickly come back to their owners when called, making a strong and secure bond between the dog and its human. Teaching a reliable recall also helps to keep your Spaniel safe on their walk and have a greater sense of freedom.
Unsure where to start, or dealing with a Spaniel that has seemingly gone deaf overnight?
This guide shares how to recall train a Spaniel and get them coming back to you when called—regardless of where you are.
The importance of recall in Spaniels
Dog recall is a vital part of being a responsible pet owner. Teaching a Spaniel recall ensures your pet knows how to come back when called. This reduces the potential for them to get lost, injured, or into dangerous situations.
In addition, teaching recall can help keep the relationship between owner and pet strong, as the pup learns to trust and obey.

Do Spaniels have good recall?
On the whole, Spaniels have good recall and have a strong willingness to please their owners. They are also very intelligent, making them ideal candidates for obedience-based training.
Consistency is essential in dog recall training so your pup learns that they will get a reward when they come back each and every time, no matter what.
It also builds trust between you and your Sprocker Spaniel by helping them know that you are reliable and will always provide a positive consequence for recall.
When is the best time to start recall training?
The best time to start recall training a dog is when your pup is between seven and eight weeks old. If a puppy is too young, they may not be able to remember commands or be able to focus during the training. If they’re too old, they may have already developed bad habits that will be harder to break.
The next best time is now. A dog is never too old to learn recall. Dogs of any age can learn new commands and obedience behaviors with the right guidance, motivation, and positive reinforcement.
How to do recall training for your Spaniel
- Start by having your dog on a long lead in a safe, enclosed area with no distractions.
- Give your dog the command to stay, then take a few steps away from them.
- Say your recall demand, such as “come”.
- Reward your dog when they come to you—either with a toy or high value treat.
- Repeat the process with increasing distractions each time.

6 Spaniel recall tips
1. Choose a recall demand
It is important for owners to ensure that recall training is consistent and done in a positive manner, that rewards are used to reinforce behavior and that the dog’s recall command is something simple and clear like ‘Come’ or ‘Here’.
Start by teaching your dog the command. Start with some practice inside in a distraction-free environment. Have your dog on leash and give the command ‘Come’ or ‘Here’ while lightly tugging your dog to come closer to you. Praise and reward your dog when they obey.
If you don’t always use the same words for the same command, your dog won’t learn it. Only by using the same words over and over will they be able to understand what you’re asking them to do.
2. Start in a safe place
Choose an area with few distractions and no hazards for your first recall training session.
The best place to start recall training for a dog is at home. Have your pup sit or heel before you or in front of you, then give them the recall command. Reward them with a treat and plenty of praise when they return to you.
Once the pet reliably responds to those commands, practice them in different locations, such as the park or the backyard.
3. Move to outdoor recall practice
Adding distractions into Spaniel recall training is a great way to ensure that your dog will come back to you when called—even in less than ideal situations.
As they begin to understand their command, slowly introduce more distractions. This can include people, other animals, or objects. Start with a low-traffic area like your front yard and gradually increase the distractions as your dog gets more comfortable.
4. Stock up on treats
Use high value treats as a primary reward during recall training. Rewarding your dog with treats can help reinforce positive behavior, motivate your dog, and add fun and variety to training sessions.
Examples of high value treats for recall training include:
- Squeezey cheese
- Chicken
- Sausage
- Liver pate
- Tripe
5. Make it fun
Recall training needs to be fun for dogs because it helps keep them engaged, motivated, and excited. Dogs learn best when they are having positive experiences and enjoy the process. If you make recall training fun, they will be more likely to respond to your commands and stay focused during the training, leading to faster and more effective results.
Make recall training into a game of fetch by adding their favorite toys or a ball. Your pup will have a blast chasing after the toy and bringing it back for you.
6. Be consistent
If your pup fails to recall at any time, take a break and come back to it later. Take a few steps back and practice the recall cue in a familiar place with fewer distractions.
Make sure to every once in awhile go back and practice the basics of recall in a distraction free area, no matter how experienced your dog is. It will help to keep their skills sharp.
Improve your Spaniel’s recall skills today
Recall training is one of the most important commands you can teach your Spaniel. Training a dog to reliably come when called is an essential safety measure and can help keep your dog out of trouble.
Recall training takes patience and consistency, but it’ll be worth it in the long run.